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S1 Eps 5 The Transfer Trap

21:49 |

About The Episode

Many students go to a two year or community college thinking it’s a bargain: attend for two years, then transfer to a four year school, saving tens of thousands of dollars in tuition. But it doesn't always work out that way. Nearly half of all college credits don't end up transferring when a student changes schools.

Kirk Carapezza and Esteban Bustillos talk about why the transfer system short-changes students, and how colleges and universities have wide discretion when it comes to deciding which credits to accept or deny.

Many students are left with so-called “stranded credits” in the transfer process, a big problem for many students, but especially low-income and first-generation students whose families might not know the intricacies of the system.

How can students avoid falling in the transfer trap? Experts say they should be on the lookout for colleges that guarantee transfer credits, or ask if a college has a transfer agreement with a four-year college or university. A growing number do.

Listen and learn more about how to avoid common transfer pitfalls.

“College Uncovered” is made possible by Lumina Foundation.