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Free online lectures: Explore a world of ideas

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New Directions in Particle Physics

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Date and time
Tuesday, June 18, 2024
on Zoom

Our immense universe began at the unimaginably tiny quantum scale, and to understand the formation of matter, physicists collide subatomic particles. The Large Hadron Collider has produced many discoveries, but it has limitations in the range of data it can capture. Dr. Tulika Bose, who has been prominently involved in the work of the LHC, says “We really should be looking at new physics at a much higher scale. We need to go beyond the kind of energies we’ll have at the HL-LHC.” In this presentation, she explains the accomplishments of the LHC, its limitations, and the next exciting plans under consideration in this research.

Tulika Bose, Ph.D., is a Vilas Distinguished Achievement Professor of Physics at University of Wisconsin-Madison. She is currently serving as the Deputy U.S. CMS Software & Computing Operations Program Manager. She served a two-year term (2017-2019) as the Physics Co-coordinator for the CMS experiment at CERN, and before that, she served as the CMS Trigger Co-coordinator (2014-2016).

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