Paul Wantanabe
Institute of Asian American Studies at UMass Boston
Dr. Paul Watanabe is a member of the Board of Directors of Political Research Associates, the Board of Directors of the Nisei Student Relocation Commemorative Fund, and the National Academic Board of the Asian American Policy Review. His principal research and teaching interests are in the areas of American foreign policy, American political behavior, ethnic group politics, and Asian Americans. He is the author of Ethnic Groups, Congress, and American Foreign Policy and principal author of A Dream Deferred: Changing Demographics, New Opportunities, and Challenges for Boston. His articles have appeared in Asian American Policy Review, Business in the Contemporary World, New England Journal of Public Policy, Political Psychology, PS: Political Science and Politics, Public Perspective, and World Today. He regularly contributes analysis and commentary to national and local television, radio, newspapers, and newsmagazines. Paul was born in Murray, Utah.