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  • Black artists have paved the way for millions of people to be heard. With their art they share unique experiences that represent the struggles and triumphs African Americans have faced throughout 400 years of history in the United States. Doing so through music, paintings, books, poetry. They dive deep into the experiences lived by Black people.In this series, learn from several artists what it’s like to create art and where their inspiration comes from, what leads them to come up with ways to showcase what want to express. It is vital for everyone to know their history to understand the kinds of contributions they have made to society.More about black excellence and how the arts give them the power to speak the truth.
  • "Big, If True" is a webinar series from the Technology and Social Change Research Project at the Shorenstein Center. Hosted by Dr. Joan Donovan, the series focuses on media manipulation, disinformation, and the future of democracy during a pandemic.From xenophobia and "Zoomboming" to misinformation and why certain technologies get made, learn about research of the connection between technology, politics and social issues during the COVID-19 crisis.
  • The 2022 Lowell Lecture Series presented by the Paul Revere Memorial Association aims to direct focus to areas that have not traditionally received as much attention in explorations of the Revolutionary period, a particularly important topic as we are already in 250th anniversary commemorations and reflections.The series aims to highlights physical spaces like the Caribbean and Eastern Atlantic world and theoretical “outsiders” in diasporic communities or Indigenous Communities on the borderlands of what became the United States.
  • Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations is an acclaimed discussion series of the Jewish Community Centers of Greater Boston - brings together distinguished scholars, artists and activists to engage in unique exchanges around the current moral and social issues of our time. Nationally, and often internationally, renowned panelists are led by expert moderators through respectful and thought-provoking discussions. Through this series the JCC serves as a community living room; that is, a place where people who hold divergent opinions and perspectives come together, share ideas
and gain understanding. Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations is ground-breaking in that it creates an opportunity for intellectual and emotional exchange, and makes a space for passion, insight and creativity to take root. The Jonathan Samen Hot Buttons, Cool Conversations Discussion Series is underwritten by generous donor support. All JCC arts and humanities offerings are programs of the Ryna Greenbaum JCC Center for the Arts.
  • A presentation of American Ancestors, the Boston nonprofit and national center for family history, heritage and culture, this series offers stories of American history, heritage, and culture. Producer Margaret M. Talcott presents authors and their books explores themes of personal identity, families, immigration, and social and cultural history. Most events are presented virtually. In-person events take place at 99-101 Newbury Street in Boston’s Back Bay or at partnering organizations. See below for upcoming and past talks.
  • In 1949, Mental Health America and its affiliates established May as Mental Health Month across the nation. Advocates and sufferers of mental illness spread awareness through the media and local events, reaching out to millions of people to show them that they are not alone and that mental health is something everyone should care about. The lectures in this series speak to mental illness and recovery, as well as the broader issue of mental health in America and worldwide.
  • GBH news and the Forum Network come together to create a news-focused speaker series that takes a close look at important matters of the day. In a series of four events, audience members can connect to GBH News reporters and the experts known to our Forum Network partners. Together they will help audience members develop a deeper understanding of the issues and draw inspiration on how to become actively involved.News Forums in 2020 focus on navigating a heavy year of political coverage in the lead-up to November elections. We will discuss how to spot fake news in an age of disinformation, learn more about how COVID-19 might impact the election season, talk about the polarization of voters, and unpack the Massachusetts ballot questions with GBH News reporters.The News Forums are moderated by GBH News Senior Digital Managing Editor, Laura Colarusso.GBH News Forums are part of GBH's Insider Series. Recordings of these discussions will be posted online for free to the public. To learn more about attending these events, see [GBH's Membership Options](https://www.wgbh.org/support/insider).
  • American democracy needs the passion and energy young people bring to the table today more than ever. Youth turnout in 2020 hit an all time high. The question is how do we keep this momentum going? This series will examine why we all - especially younger citizens - can and should lead rich civic lives and actively engage in public life.While political discourse has become toxic and political sectarianism has increased, democracy is about citizens having input in the crafting of public policy decisions. At its best, democracy includes many voices. With more than eight million 18 and 19 year olds joining the eligible voting pool in 2022, younger voters have even more power to make change.The question is how are they using it. Join us as we examine these issues with the input of young citizens, political actors, activists, and academics, to understand how young people are flexing their civic muscles and what we all can do to save our democracy.
  • The Republican Party has a razor thin majority in the House and shows few signs of being able to unite. Democrats retain control of the Senate. In an age when the American public is awash in misinformation and mistrust, how can a divided, dysfunctional Washington do anything to tackle the huge issues that impact our lives every day?The Washington Center, GBH Forum Network, Ford Hall Forum and Suffolk University’s Political Science & Legal Studies Department invite you to join our virtual spring semester course for everyone. We will hear from some of Washington’s prominent actors and experts in the field. In three panel discussions we will examine the paralysis in Congress, take your questions, and offer insights on how to demand results from lawmakers.
  • The pandemic had many effects on transportation and travel. Besides emptying streets and trains and buses, it prompted the federal government to provide billions of dollars to keep transit running and gave transit planners a chance to see what was working and what could be improved. Coupled with the passage of the American Rescue Plan Act and the Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, there is now an unprecedented opportunity to make major changes to improve transportation. What will those changes look like ?Join Transportation for Massachusetts, GBH News and GBH Forum Network as we partner to host a series of four on-line episodes to reflect on the state of public transit in Massachusetts and discuss what the future could look like.