What matters to you.

Teacher Supports

A Latina teacher sites at a desk to talk with a Black student. Other racially diverse students sit nearby.

We are committed to supporting teachers in using our resources and to handing the mic to educators so that we and their peers can learn from their expertise.

A distinguished cohort of GBH-NEPM Educator Ambassadors for Massachusetts form our local leadership group that advises us on a broad range of topics and provide feedback on our educational content development and teacher engagement each year. The Ambassadors span the state geographically, and are diverse in the subjects, grades, and students they teach.

We engage educators and communities in a variety of ways. In addition to work with Educator Ambassadors, we also incorporate educator, youth, and subject matter expert input and review on a project-by-project basis, carry out formative research implementation pilots and larger scale studies with educators and students, and collaborate with community organizations and families as well.

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Learn with Us

The GBH Education YouTube channel features professional development webinars on using GBH-produced digital learning resources and the PBS LearningMedia platform, technology walk-throughs, and recordings of online events on topics like culturally responsive teaching, and Universal Design for Learning. Our goal is to support educators in creating a dynamic classroom incorporating rich, engaging media for grades PreK-12.

Below are selections from recent events. For regular updates on new videos, please subscribe to our YouTube channel by visiting the site and clicking the red “Subscribe” button in the upper right. For updates on events, subscribe to receive GBH education email.

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